Game drives in kafue national park

Game drives in kafue national park

Game drives in kafue national park: Kafue national park just like any other African national park  brings forth a major highlight of any African safari ( game drive)  , the game drives at  Kafue national park are quit unique and it I guarantees  traveler amazing experiences of getting to mingle  with the  parks major constituents  i.e. wildlife/  wild game and  nature  to mention but a few. The   game drives at kafue national park   sees you in the plains  in search for elephants some of the frequently  seen park residents, lechwe, pukus, antelopes,  zebras, buffaloes,lions, leopards, spotted hyenas, wild dogs, wildebeests, defassa, hippos,crocodiles, cheetahs and many more.

In addition you will also be to see the amazing view of the park entailing the plains, the rivers, the forests.  Note that most of the game drives are conducted by safari guides who are well conversant with the park terrain and the tracks where to find which wild game.

Below some of the highlights of the game drives,

  • Experience of the game drive.
  • You  chance to view the elephants  and lions and other  wildlife.
  • Watching park birds.
  • Viewing the plains and nature at the park
game drive in kafue national park
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